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The Personal Trainer - A Coaching Approach

  • Pocket

  • 2022

  • Engelsk

What characterises the skilled personal trainer? What does a coaching approach entail? What is required to acquire new clients -- and to retain them? How do you plan the first consultation with the client -- and proper, suitable, and motivating exercise sessions? How can you share competence and develop as a trainer and an instructor? The fitness industry is experiencing solid growth. The requirements for personal trainers are becoming increasingly complex and challenging, reflected in the increased demands in terms of education and competence. This book addresses such challenges by providing a broad introduction to communication, coaching, motivation, and mental training. The books focus is on theory, research, and concrete experiences from Norwegian fitness centres. In addition to answering the previously mentioned topics, this book addresses professionalism, touch and feedback and ethical guidelines, among other topics. This is a foundational book offering practical guidelines for both future and established personal trainers. The authors have several years of work experience in the fitness industry, performance psychology, guidance, and coaching.

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