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PIG Gets the Black Death (nearly) - Set 1

Av Catchpole Barbara, del av serien
  • Pocket

  • 2019

  • Engelsk

PIG hates needles, so he uses all his wiley skills to avoid the school vaccinations. But then comes a history lesson on the Black Death. Terrified, Pig decides he must have that injection - and quickly! Sadly he discovers that it''s not going to be that easy. Surely now it''s only a matter of time before he becomes a victim of the plague. Boys love PIG! Peter Ian Green has another hilarious adventure in this book, one of the bestselling series ''PIG'' by Barbara Catchpole. Coupled with fantastic black-and-white illustrations and an easy-to-read diary format, the laugh-out-loud humour and tale of friendship will appeal to all readers.

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