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Blood Oath

  • Pocket

  • 2019

  • Engelsk

New York Times bestselling author Linda Fairstein returns with a timely, captivating thriller about the deep - and often deadly - reverberations of past sins.
Assistant DA Alex Cooper is taking on the case of a young woman who testified years earlier at a landmark Federal trial . . . and now reveals that she was sexually assaulted by a prominent law enforcement official during that time.
As the case grows more complex, Alex, along with NYPD detectives Mike Chapman and Mercer Wallace, finds herself in uncharted territory within Manhattan''s Rockefeller University, a research institute born of tragedy that has evolved into a premier scientific facility, hospital, and cornerstone of higher learning.
But when dark secrets of the century-old institution intersect with life-threatening events, the experience may just help determine whether Alex will keep her job, or throw her hat in the ring to become the next district attorney of New York County . . . if she can survive that long.


''Her stories never fail to thrill'' KARIN SLAUGHTER
''Fairstein makes the legal issues more exciting than any high-speed chases'' NEW YORK TIMES
''Linda Fairstein is truly the queen of intelligent suspense'' LEE CHILD
''An authentic and authoritative voice'' THE TIMES

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