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The Kingdom - ‘I couldn’t put it down’ Stephen King

Av Jo Nesbo, del 1 av serien
  • Pocket

  • 2021

  • Engelsk

‘Suspenseful…original…I couldn’t put it down’ Stephen King
Two brothers. Bound by blood... And a lifetime of secrets.
When Roy and Carl''s parents die suddenly, sixteen-year-old Roy is left as protector to his impulsive younger brother. But when Carl decides to travel the world in search of his fortune, Roy stays behind in their sleepy village, satisfied with his peaceful life as a mechanic.
Years later, Carl returns with his charismatic new wife, Shannon - an architect - full of exciting plans to build a hotel on their family land. But it''s only a matter of time before what begins as a jubilant homecoming sparks off a series of events that threaten to derail everything Roy holds dear and family loyalty is stretched to violent ends.
Watch out for The Night House, the new Jo Nesbo book, out now

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