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Confessions of a Class Clown

  • Pocket

  • 2023

  • Engelsk

Jack''s hilarious online videos might get thousands of views . . . but is fame worth the price of friendship? Now in paperback, the humor of I Funny meets the multiple perspectives of Because of Mr. Terupt.
Meet Jack Reynolds. Making people laugh is his life''s work. Jack''s wacky MyTube channel is really starting to take off. The only problem is, for the truly epic posts, he needs a collaborator. And, well, he doesn''t exactly have any friends. So Jack has to swallow his pride and join the new after-school club Speed Friendshipping. But who would make the best partner in comedy?
  • Brielle, Miss Perfect candidate for student body president?
  • Mario, whose mom won''t even let him have a smart phone?
  • Or Tasha, the quiet, mysterious girl with a shaved head and a crocheted hat for every day of the week?
 One of these kids could help catapult Jack to internet fame . . . or even become a true friend. But what will it cost him to go viral?
With an unfailing knack for the middle-grade voice, Arianne Costner, author of My Life as a Potato, explores themes of friendship, belonging, and the ways social media can put pressure on today''s kids.

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